
My mom is helping her “friend” get his house ready to sell. My brother says it is full of trash and smells like it too. The convolution of our relationships to people continue. FD thinks my cousin’s husband’s cousin’s father will buy his house. It is on a golf course, but he has not had garbage service for over the year we have known him. BR does not want to help and does not believe anything good will come of this. I am a firm believer that FD will sell his house and move once he has money, leaving my mom in the dust and still owing her thousands of dollars.

Despite BR’s interest in giving her advice, my mom  won’t listen to him. My mom only complains about BR, but she is making the bed they are in. She lies, then BR lies and says he is not playing WoW. We know he is. We can log into StarCraft and chat with him! He is doing nothing with his life. He says he applies for jobs. He says he wants to register for school. He says he wouldn’t mind getting his GED, going into carpentry or some specialty. Yet he does nothing.

My mom complains: He does not put away laundry or do dishes. He plays video games. He yells at FD. He won’t walk the dog. He won’t feed the cats or change the cat litter.

All in all, it is frustrating. None of this bunch is going anywhere in life. Or, at least not very soon.

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